E''necessario premettere che i bambini sani raramente s'infettano, che l'infezione è prevalentemente asintomatica, che  scompare in 5-6 gg, che il tasso d'incidenza della letalità è uguale a zero o quasi, per cui una vaccinazione di massa dei bambini è un  atto pericolosissimo per la genotossicità dei  " vaccini"  , senza basi epidemiologiche, cioè criminale.

"Overall, 4,149 (97.6%) VAERS reports were for nonserious events, and 100 (2.4%) were for serious events. The median age of children with reports of nonserious events was 8 years, and 1,835 (44.2%) of these reports were for males. The most commonly reported nonserious events were related to vaccine administration (some without any adverse event), including no adverse event (1,157; 27.9%), product preparation issue (925; 22.3%), and incorrect dose administered (675; 16.3%), (Table 2). The median age of children with reports of serious events was 9 years, and 61 (61.0%) reports were among males. The most commonly reported conditions and diagnostic findings among the 100 reports of serious events were fever (29; 29.0%), vomiting (21; 21.0%), and increased troponin (15; 15.0%). Among 12 serious reports of seizure, one child experienced syncope (not seizure) and another child potentially experienced syncope, two children experienced febrile seizure, one child had a history of seizures, two children had a potentially evolving seizure disorder, and five children experienced new-onset seizures. Among 15 preliminary reports of myocarditis identified during the analytic period, 11 were verified (by provider interview or medical record review) and met the case definition for myocarditis¶¶¶; of these 11 children, seven recovered, and four were recovering at time of the report. VAERS received two reports of death during the analytic period; both are under review. These deaths occurred in two females, aged 5 and 6 years, both of whom had complicated medical histories and were in fragile health before vaccination. None of the data suggested a causal association between death and vaccination"

